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Sunday, February 10, 2019

Chapter 77: Big Buddah, Zone Conference, Chinese New Year, Here is your Cookie!

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman鄧長老) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 76
Hello Every one how are we all!!!???

This week was pretty good and I can't wait to tell you all about it!

 Big Buddha!!!:
Right so this week's P-day was the Deep Clean. That means you take all of P-day and clean all of your house and move all the stuff hahaha. We did it last year but this year we had a plan as an apartment. We woke up early to clean and after 9:30pm when we are done for the day to clean so that when the day came we could just leave and play! We told President Phillips and he said ok I will come check it myself on that day. And we said if we pass can we go to Big Buddha? He said he and Sister Phillips would like to go. They came and we passed!!!! They then drove us to Big Buddha and we had a super good time!!! We got so many pics and we had so many laughs! The statue is pretty big and super cool! The Phillips had to leave for a meeting and so we decided after the statue to go for a hike. It was an off trail hike and we were just like, "Hey look a mountain with a radio tower on it, lets go!" so we did and the view was absolutely amazing!!!! WE could see so many mountains and the clouds coming in!!!! I hope you all like the pictures. Later after running down the mountain, ya we ran haha. We went to some outlets in Tung Chung and it was super fun!

Zone Conference:
This Week we had Zone Conference and we had it on Chinese New Year because lots of people leave to go to Main land China. And its the other way when they all come down here hahah. There were so many good training's and it was so spiritual! Our Zone did a super good job on why we are currently still out here on a mission and what we can do to become more like the savior and serve. President Phillips gave us a super awesome training on Enduring to the End how to Endure to the end after the Mission. It ended up with a pretty trunky part at the end of how we need to worry about our eternal companion when we get home hahaha. I love President and Sister Philips they are the best!

Chinese New year:
Not to much to report here for new years hahaha. Every one basically vanishes and they come back a long time later. WE saw some lion Dances in the streets. Ya sorry missionaries really don't do much when it comes to this time of year. That is why we have Zone Conferences and Deep clean this week. Hong Kong turns into a ghost town basically.

Here is your Cookie:
Elder Robinson and I had a super strong testimony builder this week! We have been trying so hard to find people to teach and it is hard. Especially around New Year. But we went finding yesterday and it was so cool when we decided to do Half Time Prayers. We prayed and Elder Robinson felt prompted to talk to a guy on a bench and after talking for a while he had lots of questions and we sat down and talked to him for a 45 minutes!!! He was super hesitant to give us his number at the end but he warmed up and we got it and he lives in our area which is the best part. He liked to hear us speak English and asked us why bad things happen to good people. Elder Robinson told the Story of Job in English and Aaron absolutely loved it!

There is more to it and I am out of time but I talk more about it in the video.
Love you all and I hope you have a great week! God lives and he loves each and every one of you!

Yours in Fellowship and Love,󾓭🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh
Stan Theman  

Chapter 97 - Final Chapter: There and Back again.

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman 鄧長老 ) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 97 Season  Finale 你好 !!!   My Dear Friends, the t...