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Thursday, August 30, 2018

week 53: With all the Strength of a Great Typhoon!, Special Meeting, Talent Show!

Leih Hou muiyatgoyahn!!!!!

   Well another week has come and gone and it is always so interesting how time goes out here. You really feel in a dream  if that makes sense. You go through the same thing every day with some new things here and there and then you go to sleep wake up and Whamoo! You are already at Pday! The weather here is still raining with a chance of more rain and oh ya.....Humidity!!! You are just constantly wet out here and I was taking the MTR(Train) To the Chapel and when we got there to do out studies, cause there is AC, I rested my arm over my study journal for 3 seconds and then I lifted my arm and my book came with it! I peeled it off and it was all wet hahahaha! I was laughing so hard! I have to be careful that that doesn't happen to my scriptures! I would like to start today with some spiritual things.

I was reading an amazing talk this morning from President Hinckley back in 1995 called "Of missions, Temples, and Stewardship". I can talk forever about this talk but instead, I am going to invite you all to read it and or watch it and think about how it applies to us this day and to look back at the church in the past compared to know with all of our changes and hastening the work of the lord in these latter days! I love the part when he talks about missionaries and temples. He mentions in this talk the building of The temple in American fork and in Hong Kong so this talk was really special to me for that reason as well!

I was also in Ether this week as well and I still can't imagine the thought process that went throuh the brother of Jareds mind as he saw the finger of the Lord. Then after his Exceeding Faith he requested that the Lord show himself to him. And because of this faith the vail could not be kept. I love his story. The Book of Ether is really one of my favorites in the Book of Mormon! Every Chapter is meant to be in it because Mormon had so many records and thigns that could have gone into it, but he put what was most important and relevant for us to hear in this day and age.

I will get onto this week so that you all can get back to what you are doing today. What ever that intails I have no idea, but have fun with whatever you are doing.

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman/鄧長考) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1!

With all the Strength of a Great Typhoon!:
   For those of you who caught that reference good job! ya there was no Typhoon this week hahahah it was that we as an activity watched Mulan in Cantonese and it was the coolest thing ever! I was having a really hard time understanding it but since I have seen it in English it helped. It is my second Favorite Disney Movie! First is Robin Hood! I would love to see that in Chinese! It is fun to have these experiences and to get to be with the ward! The movie went by really quick and it only felt like 10 minutes it was so fast. That will bea  great way to keep up the language after the Mission. Also listening to Conference talks in my language to keep it up and to use it later in life.

Special Meeting:
   So this week we also had a special meeting with President Evans. The Asia Area President and the was super cool! he talked a lot about how many s[pecial speakers we have had over the past while and talked about what they said. We talked a lot about he referrals and how they help us, but also when we do work with askiing referrals we also help the other areas with finding people and looking to help the children of God! Teach when you find and find when you teach. I love that quote.
 Talent Show:
   So the stake this weekend had a really cool talent show and there was so many cool and also bizzare things that went on. There was a cool diablo performance with the juggling thingies. you have two stick and rope and then the spinner it was so cool to see. Some of our ward members did some Chinese Opera and it was.......unique hahahah. So we also did a performance this show and I will send a video of it. It is just us as old people doing our thing and then we do some Fighting. I have been learning a bit out here hahaha.  There was lots of food and then we also got an award!!! Wasn't expecting  that! Super fun and lots of ward members came and people with interest in the church.
our stake president gave a talk after and it really brought the mood and it was super cool to hear him speak! He is an amaznig Stake Presient!

Well that is all I got for this week for new things in Tai Wo! I am still doing good and the work out here is indeed challenging but it is worth it now and to help me in the future to become a greater man, husband, father, and servant of the lord! I love you all and am so grateful for all my experiences out here and for your prayers.
have a great week and I am so gratefull to have you all in my life!
Stay Strong and Keep Smiling jsut like a wise old man once said!

Yours in Fellowship and Love,󾓭🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh
Stan Theman

ps my dad has the video of us in the talent show so he will put that in the blog for you all the watch!

Thanks DAD love ya!

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Week 52!!!: 1 YEAR!!!!!, Zone Conference, Who are the Mormons?

Leih Hou Muiyatgoyahn!

   Another week in the bag of my mission and this is week 52 and you know what that means!!!!! 1 Year has officially arrived!!!! It does feel like a year I will tell you that much hahaha. But also at the same time it went by super duper quick! I can't really explain how it woks but it was like in the blink of an eye that it arived! Again I still have a whole nother year to go and more adventures and stories to have. I have gone through a lot out here and there is so much to talk about. First I will do a quick QandA! I haven't done that in a while and I should do that.

People have asked about my shoes hahah. They are all good and they last ! I love Echos they are a really good brand of shoe for this type of work.

The weather here is very wet! I can't ever recall that I have seen this much rain in my life from what I get with in a week here in Hong Kong!  Typhoons are coming and going and the level of a typhoon can get to 1 3 and 8 9 10. When it gets to 8 we can't go out and have to stay in until we get the all clear to go back out. I haven't had one yet so it will be interesting when one comes. There is an elder here who is from North Carolina and he said that NC weather is very similar to HK weather hahahahah.

We were unable to meet with VIctor this week because of Work and stuff and he is going out of town for 2 weeks for work so we will not be seeing him for a bit which is sad but thats ok. it is just something to look forward to in September.

Our Kids class this week was about cooking and we got some cups with some dirt and I got to be Dirt man! So more or less I was a Dwarf hahaha. We got to decorate little paper sleeves that the kids put on the cups later and then we got dirt and seeds for them to grow at home. Next week is going to be really cool and fun! We are doing ward movie night on Friday and we are watching Mulan in Cantonese!! The activities are going really well and hopefully we can start getting the parents interested in the Gospel. The people here love English class so we are now needing to push just a bit to see if they have interest. We do share little messages with the kids about church and it is fun to see the parents reactions to some of the messages. Hopefully we have a great turn out for this movie night. We also have a stake talent Show and we are doing something really funny. i will hopefully be able to send pics and hopefully a ward member can post a video on face book.

Also my cousin just got home from his mission from North Carolina! I can't believe it was that fast! I remeber when I was with him at his farewell and then relizing he would be a year out when i got to the MTC and nwo I am a year out and he is home!!! Crazy!!!

Birthday Shout Outs as well!!!!  This week is one of my partners in crimes birthdays and it is my friend Nick!!! he is the coolest guy ever and I am super excited for him to serve in Hawaii! The other Birthday is to my Amazing Grandpa Bokah!!! I love him so much! He has taught me so many things in my life and has always been there for me when I needed help and a teaching moment never passed by while we were together! He is still going strong in all he is doing and he is a spiritual giant! We are a short family but the spirit he has can't be contained! I love him and he is amazing! So happy Birthday and drinks all around!!!🎂🍧🍦🍻🐣

Alritht lets get on to the thigns this week shale we!

Please write me your questions and I will answer them next week! Would Love to hear from you all!

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman/Dahng Jeunglouh) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1!

   Yes like I said earlier it is really weirddthat things have gone by this fast but also slow every now and then hahaha. For those of you who served you probably had the feeling I would never make it this far and for some it would be like wow that was quick! I want to invite all the RMs in the families to tell there mission stories and then to have them archived for the future. There are many great things from our peers and family members that served and we have to record them or else great learning lessons and experiences could be lost.

   I have gone through the MTC and in my baby area my whole first year! Crazy!!!! I have had a total of 5 companions with Madsen, Arnold, Beeson(Trainer/Pops), Newbold, and Riley. Also newbold x2 so that a thing hahaha. I have had a great time out here and I can say that this is really a Crucible for your body and your testimony. I can really say without a doubt I am completely a different person! I am still the same goofy me but I know I am more mature and I am loving my testimony! We also went out to eat as an apartment for lunch at a bugger joint! SO good!!!!

   Still 1 year left to go and now time is ticking down as they say out here in a mission. SO i have to make the best use of it as I can. I had and Eternity to train for this mission, I have an eternity to reflect on this mission, and I only have 2 years on a mission. A great motivation I would say.

Zone Conference:
   This week was zone conference and it was so refreshing! I love this zone conference because we learned more about repentance and how we must be teaching this to our friends because it is what we have been called to do. Cry repentance unto this people. It really opened my eyes on how we must tell our friends that through Christ we can feel free of our guilt and pain and eventually have it washed away through the covenant of baptism. We also had some really good Cinnamon Rolls thanks to our amazing senior missionaries the Roskelly's they are the best! I love our Zone conferences and they are always refreshing and are so great to see old friends and to get a  recharge for the Transfer. We are getting a special meeting this week that just came up that we will have a special meeting down in Wan Chai with The area president Elder Evans and we are super excited for that! Then in a couple more weeks it is Mission Tour.

Who are the Mormons?:
   SO many of you probably already know about the press conference with our Prophet about the topic of our name being Mormons. I was reading this week in 3 Nephi about what they were deciding to call the church and then Christ said if it was Moses church is would be called the church of Moses or if it was mans it would be mans church. But it is Christs Church so that is what it is to be called.The Church of Christ.  I know that President Nelson is the Prophet here on the earth and that he is now receiving revelation from the lord to hasten the work for us here on the earth.

I am so glad again to have this opportunity to be able to have technology to email you all and to see how you all are doing!  I love this mission and I am grateful that I am able to become who Heavenly Father and My savior want me to be. This mission isn't just for now, but it is for the rest of my life and existence. Again I would like to invite you all to share you history with your families and your life's experiences and then record them for future reference for your posterity. It is mentioned in the scriptures to be doing this by the savior. I love you all and look forward to hearing from you next week!

I also burnt a shirt this week to celibrate my year mark hahahahah. Just a little p.s.! It was fine I am safe and nothign was damaged hahahahah. It was really fun! Shhh keep that a aseceret!

Love yall!

Yours in Fellowship and Love,󾓭🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh
Stan Theman

Week 51: Victor and The Book of Mormon, New Friends, Chicken Head!!! Cooking Class!

Leih Hou Muiyatgoyahn!!!

Well Typhoon season has arrived a couple of weeks ago and then we get to have all the rain and jazz just completely Dump on us! The heat is rising and things are getting pretty interesting with weather recently.
I am a little short on time because of where we are so I will get as much done as possible.

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman/ Dahng jeunglouh) Ministering to the One!

Victor and the Book of Mormon:
 Victor came a little early to our games night activity and he we were able to teach him about the Book of Mormon and the Holy Ghost. He had really good questions about the timeline of everything and more about how he was able to translate it in less than 60 days! While we were teaching our ward member who sat with Victor during church a while ago came in and joined our lesson. We were right on the topic of the holy ghost and how it talks to us all in different ways. Victor says he really wants to feel the holy ghost in his life and is wondering what it is. He prayed about Joseph smith and said he didn't get any feelings and David explained that sometimes that happens and God is going to answer us in his time and through different means. He has no concerns at the moment with the church and we are also excited for him to keep learning. We had a FHE in our area and Victor lives right next door to the home so he was able to come and get to know the ward family. They exchanged phone numbers and we look forward to seeing victor again this week to teach the Plan of Salvation!

ok the computer just went weird hahah I can't fix this font hahaha! I will keep going ha!

New Friends:
Because of Transfers this week we have a lot of new people in the zone and district. I am the oldest one out here cause I have been here so long! It is exciting and also a real eye opener. 

Cicken Head:
Ya I will try to send a pic if I can! I don't know how I got into this but I will just say it will be a story to tell back home cause I am out of time almost and the computer is really bad hahah!

Cooking Class!

Ya we had our cooking class this week as well and there was a lot of kids! We made some cookies and then we got to frost them with frosting! The kids were super well behaved and it blew me away when it happened! Really fun I will try to send some pics hopefully! Our bishop came as well and it was really good to have a ward member therewith us as well. 

Sorry my time is up and thigns are a bit wiered with this computer hahahah.
The mission out here is intense and I look forward to more things to come this week! We have zone conference and I am really excited to see how that goes! I love our new Mission President and his wife! They are so great to me and you can really feel there love for us out here!

Listen to the words of the prophets everyone they will help you along! Also we no have the words of Christ every six months!!! Go and read his words from his servants and you will see our saviors words for us and answers to our trials!

Love ya all and let me know what I can do for you all!

Yours in Fellowship and Love,󾓭🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh
Stan Theman

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Week 50: Victor and the Restoration, Kids interest Class, Judgment day!

Leih hou muiyatgoyahn!!!

Another week has come and gone by with a flash! This transfer has also gone by super fast! There will be more on the transfer call later on in the email. The weather here is now starting to pick up and I fell asleep for a couple of minutes because the heat in our apartment was 34 C and it made me really tired. The rule for the AC is that we have a 8 hours for the week during the day and we can have it on during the night so that we can sleep. Typhoons have been more and more frequent and they just suck up all the air so it is so flipping hot! I had the most amazing food the other day! It is Pineapple rice! It was a pineapple chopped in Half with rice, meat, and some vegetables. There was also 2 oysters on top and this dish and it was so great! My new favorite meal to eat. Ox tongue is still my favorite meat though! Good food out here it is always fresh. They grow it or get it shipped from all across the islands and from main land China. SO good and tasty. I also ate half a watermelon with a spoon last night, straight from the shell so that was also really fun and a long time since I have eaten one. Right then lets get started then!

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman/Dahng jeunglouh) Ministering in Hong Kong.

Victor and the Restoration:
    We met with Victor again this week! We went to his house and he was a bit late so we just sat on his door step for a bit and then his flat mate Kevin came and let us in. We got to know him quickly and that he could have some great interest with the gospel. He is grateful for us to know Victor cause he told us that we help him out a lot and it is good for him to be surrounded by such good people and role models. Victor finally came and we made some snickerdoodle cheese cake bars for a while and then he made us some great dinner! 

His curry was amazing and Kevin made us a really great chicken! The we had some beef stew from some Vietnamese beef. SO goood! We then were able to share the message of the restoration and it was really tricky doing it in English, but it was one of the most powerful lessons I have taught. He understood it and he had some questions which we were able to answer. We watched the first vision and when it was going on both Victor and Kevin were glued to the screen. 

When it was done, it was quite for a sec and then  he just said wow with a choked up voice. He has questions but will ask them next time we meet. We invited him to pray about Joseph smith being a true prophet and he also said the closing prayer and it was so great! We look forward to hearing how it went this week and I am super excited to keep teaching him! He has so many good stories and loves this church. He also came to our games night and it was so great to have him there and to play Uno with him. We also played a Chinese version of Big 2. It was just like the american card game Scum. He was also sick this Sunday so he couldn't come to church but we will meet him again soon.

Kids Interest Class:
    We had our Saturday class with the kids and it was a little Moana treasure hunt with the kids and we set up a little coconut target practice course where the missionaries hold up plates with little cut out coconuts on them and the kids through ping pong balls at em! It was supper fun and there are more kids coming every week and this week is cooking. We probably arent going to give them flower and knifes hahaha. But it will all work out in the end!

Judgment Day!:
    As you all know six weeks has come and gone by so quick again. The whole zone got changed with this transfer call and man I am blown away with it all! Well this may shock some of you but, i am still staying here in Tai Wo for another 6 weeks! Ya i thought I was out for sure but I am still needed here for a reason! So lets have another round then and do the work of the lord!!!

Spiritual thing real quick I prayed one day this week to know about my purpose and it lead me to 3 nephi 5:13. Talking about I have been called of Jesus Christ to teach his gospel to His people! So strong and it was so great! One of my new favorites!

Well I got to go! Love ya all and please email me if you got the time!  I would love to hear from you all!

 Yours in Fellowship and Love,󾓭🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh
Stan Theman

Chapter 97 - Final Chapter: There and Back again.

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman 鄧長老 ) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 97 Season  Finale 你好 !!!   My Dear Friends, the t...