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Sunday, June 30, 2019

Chapter 95: You did it!, Elder Allen, Yvette Mourin.

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman鄧長老) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 95

Good morning! How are we all?

This week flew by insanely fast again! One day I wake up and BAM it is p-day already. Crazy! 

There was some super good things this week and I can't wait to tell you all about them! 

I was able to have my last interview with President Phillips this week. The Exit Interview! It was such a touching and amazing experience. We talked lots about what I have learned on my mission, my companions, friends, and then to the part about what is my goals and plans for the future. It was a great experience to have and to have my mission president tell me I did a good job and served a valiant mission! 

Interesting that I had my exit interview and I still have 2 1/2 weeks left. But it was amazing! 

I was also able to go on exchanges this week with Elder Allen and wow what an exchange! We had a meeting with our bishop in Tung Chung and it was so cool. We also had the stake president there as well. Our bishop is so funny! 

Then we went out to meet one of our friends we met a couple weeks ago to play basketball with him again. We taught him about prayer and asked if he thought God was real. He said he believed half. So I told him an analogy. Take your watch apart and put it in a bag. Then shake it and make me a perfect watch again. Can't do it. That is just like our bodies and this world we live on. It is just impossible that we just popped into existence. He liked the analogy and he wanted to learn more. I told him we have evidence of God's existence and asked if he wanted to see it. He said yes and so we told him next time we will show him. 

Later elder Allen wasn't feeling so well and he was sick to his stomach. He laid down on the bathroom floor and tried to throw up but nothing came out. He was laughing though and screaming at his body for being dumb. So funny but sad as well. 

While out finding, Elder Allen and I ran into a member who is from the states that lives in Hong Kong. Her name is Yvette Morin and she is amazing! We talked for a long time and had so many good laughs about life and it was so much fun to talk to a member from the states. She told us she would be moving soon and that she had some food to give away and she wanted us to have it.
Later in the week we got a text from her that she wanted us to come and get some food. We'll when we got to her estate and saw the food she had it was 3 Ikea-sized bags full of food!!! This was an amazing blessing from above and we were so grateful for the food she gave us. Absolute blessing. 

We also went to cross roads this week and had the zone there again. I didn't climb under any desks again so that was good. We moved stuff again as usual and it is always so much fun to work with these people. Next week will be my last time there and I am going to be so sad when I have to leave. 

Something super special happened yesterday. Elder Lagaña had to do a Baptismal interview for the sisters in our district and we had to go to Kowloon Tong. While we were there I was able to see the Tai Wo ward! Because the old chapel is going to be rebuilt they have their ward meeting in Kowloon tong and we came right at that time. I was able to say hi to all of my old family and they were so excited to see me! I was so happy to see all of them as well. 

The funny thing that happened was that while Elder Lagaña was in the interview I was outside the door and there were these kids running around and screaming. The was one in a Spider-man costume and it was so funny. One ran into the room that the interview was in and he wanted to read a book. So Elder Lagaña gave him a book and he left. Then the assistants walked over and elder Hughes and Arnold asked where my companion was and then the same little boy tried to go in the room and elder Hughes told him to go to English class. So funny. 

That does it for this week. I am so shocked at how fast time is gone. Only about 2 weeks and I will be back home. But that doesn't mean I will get lazy. I will keep fighting and smiling! 

Success comes from the lord. It is given, not earned! According to his timing, plan, and his unfathomable love for us. 

Have a great week love you all! 

Love ya!
Yours in Fellowship and Love,󾓭🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh

Stan Theman  

Monday, June 24, 2019

Chapter 94: we need an army, elder Robinson

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman鄧長老) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 94

Good morning! How are we all. 

This week flew by insanely fast! The time keeps going fast out here. Crazy that I only have about 3 weeks left to go! 

But we did two things this week that were super cool! 

We were able to go to crossroads this Wednesday. They needed all the zone to come and help take inventory of all the things in some massive metal storage containers. We opened one that had so many desk piled up and they wanted to know if there was a sofa in there. Well it would have taken all of us to pull all the contents out just to see if there was a sofa. I saw a little hole under the desks that was about two feet high and wide so I just said "I can fit!" Well, I had to go in on my side and worm my way about 25 feet to the back with a flash light to find out if a sofa was there. No Sofa! The problem was, the only way back out was to go feet first! It was so exhausting. But, we found out that  there were about three hundred desks in the container! :-)

We were able to have some lunch and then I was able to share some of our beliefs with one of the workers at the site. He is super cool and he speaks English. I talk to him every time I am there and he keeps asking more questions. Just comes to show that through our actions and example people take notice of who we are. 

The other thing that happened this week was I was able to go on an exchange with my good ol companion Elder Robinson! He is my zone leader and it was so much fun to catch up on old times and to have fun. We taught our English class and it was fun to see some of my old students again. 

As for other things this week not to much else happened. We found a man out on the street who had no interest in our message but over talking he softened up and it turns out he speaks mandarin so we set up a turn over lesson with him. The other elders were so happy to finally get a referral and someone new to teach 

Success comes from the lord. 
It is given, not earned! 
One thing I have learned out here on my mission 

Have a great week love you all! 

Love ya!
Yours in Fellowship and Love,󾓭🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh

Stan Theman  

Monday, June 17, 2019

Chapter 93: Pandas, your job, talk to him.

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman鄧長老) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 93

Good morning! How is everyone doing?

This week flew by insanely fast! We had a couple of super awesome things happen this week and I can't wait to tell you all! 

Baby Seal and Pandas! 

For Elder Lagaña's birthday this week we went to Ocean Park. I was able to go last year around the same time with Elder Newbold. We were able to see real pandas and red pandas! They were so stinking cute! I love red pandas. They were sleepy-so even cuter. 
We went on some awesome rides and went and saw some super awesome animals. Walrus are huge! There are some super strange looking fish too! God really has a sense of humor. If you don't think so, look at a platypus ha.It was a super fun Pday! Elder Graff and Betta came with us and it was super fun. I never in my life thought that I would be able to go to an amusement park on my mission. 

Zone conference and Temple

This week was also my last zone conference! Wow. Time has gone. It was same training as I heard before, but we got the greatest news ever that now we can use air conditioning 24/7! It is such a huge blessing instead of only 2 hours a day and 7 at night. That was amazing to hear. We are also invited to finish the book of Mormon in the next two transfers.... I only have one! It's ok, I am already half way through Mosiah so I'm good! 

Sister Phillips gave a super great training about Who Moved my Cheese and change. 
We also went to the temple after zone Conference and it was awesome! President sat next to me during the session and told me my job was to make sure he didn't fall asleep. Well he did and so I poked him and he just looked up and smiled with a thumbs up hahahaha he is so great! 

I will tell you all about a super awesome experience we had this week: We went to a spot in our area where we were having no success. We walked past a basketball court and there was a boy who looked pretty young playing basketball by himself. I got a prompting to go and talk to him and I shrugged it off and kept walking. I felt super bad and so I said if we walk past again I will go this time! We walked around the estate and were about to walk past the court and I asked elder Lagaña to hold on. I walked over and started talking to the boy through the fence and we eventually went in. I also have never done basketball finding but I asked if we could play with him. We had a good experience, bore testimony, and got his number. I look forward to seeing him again. A lesson to learn to never shrug off a prompting. I am still learning a lot about that prompting.

The Lord is always trying to lead us. It is our job to follow the spirit and to know what the lord wants us to do. 

Have a great week love you all! 

Love ya!
Yours in Fellowship and Love,󾓭🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh

Stan Theman  

Monday, June 10, 2019

Chapter 92: Transferred and your personal Liahona

Good morning! How are we all. 

So as you all may know or not, rain is super annoying! Also my apologies for not getting back to you last week. We went to a place called Stanley for P-day to do some trunky shopping for me. It was a little market alley way covered in tents and near the edge of a beach. Not to many shops but I was able to find some nice things for home. 

But lots of other things have happened this week! 

As some of you may know I have been Transferred to another area. I am now converting a place called Tung Chung. If you look it up on a map you can type in Lantau Island and the while island is my area. My companion and I cover the whole thing! Majority of the island is just jungle so we have a small little area to cover on a big island. It is full of foreigners! So many white people ahhhh!!! It's so scary! Hahaha. Why are you all here? Haha. Go away! It is really hard to talk to people who aren't Chinese or other missionaries so ya. 

My companion is Elder Lagaña now. We lived together before in the same apartment when I was with elder Thomas. Elder Lagaña is now the district leader and I am now the junior companion. Feels weird. Ha. 

We have been able to teach some lessons with some people in the area. They are pretty interesting. We were able to teach a lesson with a woman who only speaks English and mandarin, but she wants to speak English. She invited us to a restaurant and she told us why she was willing to meet with the missionaries. She said that when Elder Lagaña and elder Finklea found her she was having a super hard day and when they walked past and smiled, she was immediately touched by their smile and this feeling she couldn't describe. Super cool! 

We have a new summer splash initiative in the mission and we are excited to see how it goes. They really are wanting to push for 2 baptisms within the next 2 transfers. This is my last transfer but I will do the best I can. They also wanted us to restart the book of Mormon and finish it in 2 transfers. I have to finish it in a month and a half, I got this! 

 It also has been a blast serving with elder Allen and Lagaña in our apartment. Since they white washed Tsing Yi my old area we have been able to help them adjust and get things going. 

I have also been studying about the Twelve tribes of Israel lately. Really interesting what you can learn about them. We have the privilege and responsibility to know who we are and what we need to do with our lives here on the earth. K owing who we are is amazing that we are literally sons and daughters of the greatest being in the universe and that he has a job for us to do. It is now up to us to find out what that is. If you don't know where to start check our your patriarchal Blessing. And if you don't have that, that is a good place to start as well to go and get one. It is your own Liahona for yourself and it will help you in your life. 

Have a great week love you all! 

Love ya!
Yours in Fellowship and Love,󾓭🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh
Stan Theman   

Chapter 97 - Final Chapter: There and Back again.

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman 鄧長老 ) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 97 Season  Finale 你好 !!!   My Dear Friends, the t...