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Monday, April 29, 2019

Chapter 86: Want a Sucker?

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman鄧長老) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 86

Good morning! How are we all. 
This one is going to be another short one -  sorry bout that!

The beginning of the week on Tuesday we tried something I never thought I would do on my mission. For those of you who don't know we aren't allowed to knock doors out here on our mission because of the giant skyscrapers with the guards. My mom and family gave me an idea to go and visit the guards and give them a treat. Personally, I am terrified of these guards but we got some cards that the church is sending out with #ThroughChrist. We wrote on the back of them have a good day and taped suckers to them and we went out. 

The idea we had was to try and go to the buildings our members live in and talk to the guards there first. The first guard was a woman who was super confused that we weren't there to visit anyone but to ask if we could give her a card. She was super confused and told us to put it on her desk. Then she escorted us out of the building ha. 
The second Guard was more willing and excepting of our little card and he was happy for it. He kept nodding his head saying thank you and then we left. 

The third guard was the best one yet. He asked who are you here to visit. We said we are here to visit you! He was a little shocked and when we talked to him. He said wait you want to visit me? And we said yes and we want to give you a card that says have a great day and a sucker on it. He was ecstatic to receive it and was so happy. He told him if he needed help with anything he could call us and we went on our way. 

The lesson I learned from this was that as missionaries we don't have enemies out here. The guards are an obstacle, but they are God's children to and maybe they are the ones who needed a visit for once. 

We also had someone come to church for the first time in a long time and it was absolutely amazing! A true blessing from the lord! 
Have a great week love you all! 

Love ya!
Yours in Fellowship and Love,󾓭🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh

Stan Theman 

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Chapter 85: it's only 2 o'clock! and A friend on a bench

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman鄧長老) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 85

Good morning! How are we all?

Happy Easter. The greatest day in history for the entire family of God. The day our savior conquered death so that all can be free from sadness, pain, and sickness. What an incredible gift I am coming to realize the meaning of it even more! 

This week wasn't to busy but I will share a story with you all. After P-day ended Elder Thomas and I went to a park in our area to find some people to teach. We passed a man on a bench and asked if he would be interested to hear about Jesus Christ. He waved us off and said he was busy. We passed him 3 more times and then elder Thomas went to talk to him again. I didn't even think that he would even look up from his phone, but he looked up and pulled his head phones out. What lead from that turned into a lesson about the Restoration of the Gospel. He said earlier that day he was in another area of Hong Kong thinking about God and then later we showed up. Super cool! He is busy with work and school at the moment but he said that he will be more available in the mid of May. 

My faith and patience was indeed tested this day. 

Another weird thing that happened this week was that during the day at around 2 the entire sky went pitch black. I have never seen the sky do that before and it was intense! I though it was like 11 at night. It was so dark! 

Ya sorry this one is short but I will leave my witness that this Easter season is a glorious day. I know that our savior lives and because he lives we all will rise again with perfect bodies! 

Have a great week love you all! 

Love ya!
Yours in Fellowship and Love,󾓭🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh
Stan Theman 

Monday, April 15, 2019

Chapter 84: Do you have 10 min? Come, listen to a prophets voice.

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman鄧長老) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 84

Good morning! How are we all. 

So the weather here has started to climb and fall and rain and all sorts of stuff. It's like Utah with the weather, you can't predict it. I heard a joke that the reason the weather is so different in Utah every 15 minutes is because people are praying for so many different types of weather - ha!

I know I wrote you all on Thursday last week due to our temple day so there may not be to much to discuss for this one but we will get on the bus and see where it takes us. 

On Friday Elder Thomas and I decided that we were going to make a covenant with the lord and consecrate a specific time to go and find for 1 hour and talk to literally everyone in hopes that we can find someone to teach. As we went we tried our best to talk to every one and wanted to share the news about how we could here a Prophets voice in this day and age. As time was running out I started to lose a little patience and faith. Where is the one I thought. Finally we got one at a bus station taking pictures with his camera. We talked and got to know him. He was attending college in our area. We asked how long his bus would take. He said it would take about 10 min. Perfect! We said that we can share a message with you about Prophets. He agreed and we testified of the prophets of old and of new. He had interest to learn more. He unfortunately doesn't live in our area and we gave his number over to the proper elders. We went on our way accomplishing our goal of finding one person. Well we found another in the same manner of him attending school in our area but living somewhere else. He also wanted to hear the prophets voice and told him about a chapel near his home where he could go and listen. 
Even though none of them lived in our area, it was true that when we make a covenant with the lord and do our part, the Blessings come in his own will and time. 

We also were able to hear conference this weekend. My personal favorite session this time was the Sunday Morning. The line up of speakers was so strong and so many of the things I have been studying about blessings and patience were Enlightened thanks to these talks. 

We have all been called to Repent many times from this conference. Lots of people will take this many different ways but if we remember, what is the Role of The Watchman? To warn us and protect us. He calls us to repent. Just like the prophets of old, we are to do the same. By my voice or the voice of my servants it is the same. The lord is calling us to make changes to align ourselves with his will so that we can qualify to receive all his blessings, and eventually for the greatest of all, eternal life. I testify that our leaders are called of God and that if we follow their council, we can never fail! 

Have a great week love you all! 

Love ya!
Yours in Fellowship and Love,󾓭🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh
Stan Theman 

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Chapter 83: Exchanges, interviews, There and Back again.

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman鄧長老) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 83

Good morning! How are we all. This email may be a bit long because it has been a couple of days since I have written. There is a lot I am going to need to remember ha this could be tricky. Apparently it is still winter in Utah? Wow! The weather is not even close here. It is starting to get to that point again when humidity rises and so does the temperature. Just walking a few steps and you are completely soaked ugh! 

I heard that General Conference was super super good and I really look forward to watching it this weekend cause we have to wait for the translation. But we will watch in English but we get to wait for the translation to come in. 

We had our interviews with President and Sister Phillips and it was super fun to spend time with them and talk. I always want more time with them to talk. Super blessed to be able to see them every so often. 

The ward this week had a cute little talent show for the primary kids and they had such cute little performances! They all sang, danced, or other things. Hearing some of them sing I am a child of God was so powerful! Little children really are alive in Christ and it was so cool to see that this week from our little primary kids. 
We also had an English class activity elder Thomas and I planned. Since it was Easter we did an Easter egg hunt. We got every thing set up with eggs with candy and some that did not. The kids didn't show up on time and I was so sad that they didn't come. But this was a test of patience for me and then they finally came and it was so cute to see them run after the eggs we hid in the church. 

I was able to go on exchanges with an elder in my district named Elder Lagaña and he is super cool! He is from the Philippines. He has such an amazing testimony and scripture knowledge. I went to his area in Tung Chung and in the morning we decided to take a place to a bus called Tai O. It is a tourist spot way on the other side of the island and it took about an hour to get there. Turns out it is a little village that has lots of dried seafood and lots of tourists. I saw a dried shark skin and that thing was massive! The exchange was super fun and I was very glad to get to know more about Elder Lagaña. 

I also was able to go on another exchange with Elder Finklea. He is also from Utah and we also had a super great time! We talked a lot about our lives back home and what we liked to do. Turns our he loves movies and some of the games I played back home. So we chatted about that for a good long while throughout the day and had so much fun. 

Now as for this part I am not able to disclose lots of information, but I can tell you that we helped a man come closer to Christ yesterday. Sorry that is all I can say haha. I can tell you more about it in person soon. 

As a district we are also doing what we call District Call centers. This is where our entire district will get together and we will focus on one area by calling through "formers", returning members and so on. It is a super fun way to build unity in a district and to get work done effectively and as a team. 

Also the reason I am emailing today is because today is temple day. Sorry forgot to mention that. 

On the spiritual note for this week, I was learning more about patience this week and what can come from it.  I am learning about Patience bring Blessings and so I decided every day to look at a time I was patient and see what the blessing was that came from it no matter how big or small it was. Patience is a Christ like attribute I am working on and it is so cool to be able to see the path Heavenly Father wants each of us to learn and to grow at our own pace. I promise you that if you ask Heavenly Father on what you can do to improve he will tell you. I know he will. 

That about does it for this week! Look forward to talking with you all again. 
Have a great week love you all! 

Love ya!
Yours in Fellowship and Love,󾓭🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh

Stan Theman 

Monday, April 1, 2019

Chapter 82: The Book of Mormon testifies of Christ, pride Rock, New ideas...

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman鄧長老) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 82

Hello all how are you doing today! This email may be a bit short cause not to much happened this week. 

First I want to thank you all for wishing me a happy birthday! It means a lot thank you all so much! I love you all and am grateful for your support in helping me while out serving. 

So we started off the week with going on a super fun hike called Lions Rock. It was pretty steep at some parts and then the view from the top was super cool! You could see all the way to the main island and then you could see my old home of Tolo Harbour. It was fun to go out with our group. 

Elder Thomas and I tried lots of different finding techniques this week to see what could work. We put some scriptures on some little cards and folded them up, put them in a jar, and asked people if they had hope or knew what it was. We opened it and gave them one. 

Next, we wrote down 6 questions on a board and asked if people have ever thought about it before. Then if they did we placed a tally mark on the question and played a 1 minute video to answer the specific question. 
It was super fun to try. 

Ya, that was pretty much it for this week I know it was a super short email and I am sorry for that. The week went by super quick and I really can't remember what happened. 

But I will leave my Testimony with you all. I just finished the Book of Mormon this week and I finished my project of highlighting the  references to Christ and it really has ope es my eyes to how much the book of Mormon does testify of him.

Try it! It is so fun! 

Have a great week love you all! 

Love ya!
Yours in Fellowship and Love,󾓭🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh

Stan Theman  

Chapter 97 - Final Chapter: There and Back again.

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman 鄧長老 ) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 97 Season  Finale 你好 !!!   My Dear Friends, the t...