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Monday, March 25, 2019

Chapter 81: Zone Conference,families, and Exchanges

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman鄧長老) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 81

Hello all how are you doing today! This email may be a bit short cause we are prepping to go on a hike. Next week also not have time to send an email because we will be doing some big stuff cause it is a very great day on pday next week! 

But to let you all know first I testify that God has given us our families for many reasons. I know that through families God answers our prayers. They are there to give us love and support and an ear to hear when we are down. A shoulder to cry on - and arms for hugs and hands that bring us back up when we fall. I love my family more than my own life and for all they have done for me. I know that families are ordained of God and that your family loves you more than you can imagine. Even if you don't see or feel it at times, they always and forever will love you! 

We had zone conference this week and we were introduced to a new pattern on how to teach and also learn about gospel topics and how we can develop them. Here is the outline. 

Questions that you or others have:
Promised blessings from it:
Invitations or thi gs to try. 
Other Sources of information:

I ha e tried this everyday in my studies this week and it has been a real eye opener to learn the doctrine clearly with scriptures to answer my questions and the promises that come from on high. It was so cool to try it. 
If any of you have questions about something in your life, give it a try and see what you learn. 

I was also able to go on exchanges this week with elder Paulsin! Last time I was able to do that was back in Tai Wo! It was a super great time! We went out finding and within 40 seconds we met a great man and we invited him for a chapel tour and taught a lesson! Then elder Thomas and I taught him the Restoration and it was super good. The exchange was so cool to be back with a good friend I lived with for more than half my mission hahaha. It was such a great day and it made me so happy! Super fun time! I really loved it. 

That pretty much does it for this week sorry for the short one but I will leave my witness that Christ lives and he really does comfort us in times of need! 

Have a great week love you all! 

Love ya!
Yours in Fellowship and Love,󾓭🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh
Stan Theman 

Monday, March 18, 2019

Chapter 80: Off the Streets, We found the Ark! We're Back! Members.

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman鄧長老) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 80

Sorry we are actually on week 80 ha. 

Hello! Wow this week actually went by super quick. Literally felt like yesterday I was emailing. But this week was super interesting because as a mission we did a whole week of no street contacting to help us try some new things to help us get creative and to find new, fun, and different ways to find the lords elect. 

I will talk about Pday real quick. It was super fun. We got to go with a group of Elders to a mall called the Dragon Center. We went with some other Elders and Elder Allen came as well with Elder Francome and elder Adam's. I havent seen them in a while so it was super good to catch up. We went to a Japanese curry place where there was a giant meal called Mt 🗻 Fuji! So elder Allen and I looked at each other and we decided to split the meal. And I was glad we did because it was huge! Super good memory to have haha. Good group of Elders to be around! 

I found the Ark:
Then the week Started with no street finding. There is an island in our area that elder Thomas hasn't been to so we decided to go on an adventure to see what it was like. The island was the quietest place ever! Seriously! It was a little town with a private estate and some village houses. There was like 3 roads and then a little main road with shops and stuff on them. Elder Thomas had lots of super creative and interesting ideas. One of which included finding a pet store to offer service for the week. We tried it and the ladies at the shop were super confused and we all had a good laugh! We tried many other things this week to find opportunities for service including clergy at hospitals. We'll that didn't work as well but it was a good try! 
But on the island was a tourist attraction called Noah's Ark. I thought it was going to be a little playground amusement park. While walking around the island we rounded a corner near the coast and whoa and behold... It was the actual ship! It was huge!!! I really think that they might have made it to scale! We thought maybe we could teach about the apostasy, but it was an amusement thing so probably not the best. 

We're Back! 
So it turns out that crossroads is still a thing where I am serving! It is t a weekly thing last my last area but we still have a chance to go and help in Sunny Bay in there storage area! We got to go with elder Siddoway and Clarke and it was so much fun! I got eaten Alive by mosquitoes! Hurt so bad love it! 

For the week we focused lots more on meeting with members and with people returning to church to build stronger bonds in the church and to see if they had friends or family we could get to know. So far it seems to be working and I am excited to get to know the ward members more. We met with lots of members and got to know more about their lives and how they came to know the church. The members are great and they have lots of Faith and missionary spirit! 

I was also reading Camp fire of Faith by Elder Gong today and I really liked how he tells us to be creative just like our father in heaven because he is a creator and wants us to be like him and ha e the faith to create and try new things. I know God lives and Jesus is our savior! 

Have a great week love you all! 

Love ya!
Yours in Fellowship and Love,󾓭🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh

Stan Theman 

Friday, March 15, 2019

Chapter 79: BBQ, Goodbye Xroads, Tsing Yi, another Miracle of prayer.

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman鄧長老) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 81

Hello everyone! How are we all? So first I think I might have screwed up the Chapters a bit so I believe we are actually on chapter 81. I think that is right if not some one point it out and I will fix it for next week! There is so much rain happening this week we are so soaked ha! I had to say goodbye to some members and friends in Tin Shui Wai and it was sad but I was grateful to be with them and to serve them. 

So this week is full of lots of things that ha e happened and more new things to come, so let's just jump right in and start swimming! 

Mongolian BBQ:
For Pday we went with some Elders to a Mongolian BBQ where you can make as much stir fry and pizza yourself and they will cook it for you! I have been before with another group so it was fun to go with this group of elders to eat. Elder Sagal a is super funny! He told lots of stories and Elder Allen was there as well with more stories. There are so many amazing elders out here in the mission it is just crazy! 
Elder Robinson also wanted to get protein as well cause he likes to work out so we spent like 2 hours trying to find this workout shop and it turns out it was like right next to the BBQ place the whole time. Ugh face palm! But ya it was a super fun Pday! 

Good Bye Cross roads:
This week was my last week at crossroads and I was super sad to leave all the friends I have made and the service we got to do for this community. We wen to electrical and I was able to say goodbye to my friends Paul and Mongai. They are amazing! We had to help lift mini hotel fridges up to a vacant room so they could be later transferred to a hospital so they could put medicine in them. We moved about 61 fridges! We were also in a trio for the day with Elder Holt because of some zone leader business. I will miss that place. Super fun and great time there! 

Tsing Yi:
Right so this week was also transfers and I am now on the yellow line of the MTR map. I live on the tung chung line in a house that was a branch meeting house for the church. It is actually a house house! The room is so big! I was shocked when I walked in! I live with elder Lagania and elder Finklea they are in my district. There is also some weights in the apartment so I guess now I got to get pumped - ha. 

Elder Thomas is my new companion and he is from Hurricane, Utah. Almost all of my Companions are from Utah so that is pretty cool! He came with me the same time to Hong Kong so I know him a little already. We don't actually li e in our area to proselyte so we have to take a bus and a train to our area and it is like 45 minutes ha. The area is an island and I am very glad to see ocean again! We also have lots of industrial area as well. Also a nice park and a pier. There are still tall buildings though so can't really escape that ha. I am excited to see how things go this transfer and how being a district leader is. 

Another Miracle of Prayer:
On the spiritual side of my email we had another miracle this week of prayers being answered. We have 2 people we are teaching named Jacky and Gung jai. They are both good friends. They haven't been able to come to church for a while and so we called up members and asked if they could pray that our friends could come. Elder Thomas and I prayed really hard and when Sunday came church started and they weren't there. So we called them and they were both on their way. Such an amazing blessing! 

I know that god hears and answers our prayers. It is in his timing and his own will when and how we get the required results. 

Love you all and I can't wait to talk to y'all next week and tell you more about my adventures serving the lord. A sneak peek for this week is we aren't aloud to go street contacting this week to get new ways to find people! Should be super fun! Tell ya all how it goes next week. 

Love ya!
Yours in Fellowship and Love,󾓭🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh
Stan Theman 

Monday, March 4, 2019

Chapter 78, Wood and Gold, Pink Apron, House of the Lord, Transfers.

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman鄧長老) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 78

Hello everyone! So good to email you all. Ya this week not to much happened, but we had a great pday, xroads, and then a great miracle!

The Wood is Gold?!? 
So for Pday we went to the Hong Kong museum and there was a super cool wood exhibit going on. So I was just like ok let's go take a look! It was so amazing all of the work was all epic wood carvings made by hand! They all were made by a wood carving master who lives in main land China and it was super cool to walk around and see them. The detail is so small and it blew my mind when I saw it! Super cool, cause, well I love wood working! Super awesome!

So for cross roads elder Robinson and I went to the kitchen and we cooked food. Ya the kitchen was pretty normal and nothing to special happened. Except I got to wear a pink apron and used really big knifes so that was great! Ya I am pretty weird ha! I apologize again for my horrible English ha!

We had a true miracle this week and I can't wait to tell you all about it! So this week we learned that Stephen could have an opportunity to go to the temple for the first time, but he may need to work on Saturday. Elder Robinson and I prayed so hard the whole week and the zone helped as well. Friday came and we got a text that night that he could come! We were so happy and then the next day we went to the temple and it was absolutely amazing! We did baptisms and confirmations and Stephen was a little confused but it was super cool because after that he had a light on his face and it was amazing! Then the coolest thing was after that we went outside and a couple came up and Stephen ran over to him and talked for a while and I was super confused. Stephen looked at me and said this was the first missionary that found me! I was speechless....2-3 years later the missionary that first met him saw him coming out of the temple. The lord lives everyone and it was not a coincidence that we went that day and elder Olsen came to visit Hong Kong!

The lord lives and I testify that he does and he hears and answers our prayers! Have a great week and I love you all. Hope you liked this email!

OH ya PS I am getting transferred to Tsing Yi on the yellow line and I am a district leader now. Oh boy..... The Duerschtrict is now real!

Love ya!

Yours in Fellowship and Love,󾓭🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh
Stan Theman  

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Chapter 77:Einar, xroads, interviews, dragon birthday!

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman鄧長老) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 77

Hello everyone! Sorry for the late email. It is because of something new that has happened across the world for all missionaries as you know. I would like to say what a blessing this is for the families and the missionaries! We get to have an opportunity to share our stories, check up on family, and grow spiritual together in this great work on the earth today!
I have yet to decide if I will keep doing the video of me talking about the week now that I can actually do it through Skype and calls! I will think more about it. If you have a opinion for what you would like let me know. 

This week was super good for us!
We received a text last week from an unknown number from a young man that he had interest in learning about the gospel. It shocked us so bad because this has never happened to us before on our missions and it was a person in our area. He asked if he could get a book of Mormon in English and Cantonese! We asked if we could meet that day as well and he said yes! He is an amazing young man and when we invited him to read the first chapter he told us he would read the whole book! Absolutely amazing and he is still reading, praying and having amazing spiritual experiences. He is a true blessing to us in this work and the gospel is really changing his life!

Giant Crates:
So we also did crossroads (X-Roads) this week and we had to help the incoming department and giant trucks came in with huge crates on them. I felt like I was in jurassic Park! Ya it was super funny! It was just full of couches and tables so we got to unload those all day super funny!

There was also interviews this week and it was so amazing. I love having President interviews. I won't say to much in what happened but I can say it was super good!

Elder Long:
Ya we also celibrated Elder Longs birthday today and it was so much fun to do that in the apartment.

So I was also getting a little bit sick this week and I also had to give a talk. I gave a talk on how Heavenly Father has goals and how we have a plan to accomplish it. And the goal of us as Memebers is to make covenants and to help others keep them. I did pretty well even though I was sick and I still did good. I still am sick so if I failed typing things I am sorry.

But as an invitation to you all I invite you all to keep your covenants, make the next ones, and help those who are needing help to keep theirs and gain the next ones.

Love you all and have a great week! I know the church is true and christ lives! 

Yours in Fellowship and Love,󾓭🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh
Stan Theman  


Chapter 97 - Final Chapter: There and Back again.

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman 鄧長老 ) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 97 Season  Finale 你好 !!!   My Dear Friends, the t...