Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman鄧長老) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 81
Hello all how are you doing today! This email may be a bit short cause we are prepping to go on a hike. Next week also not have time to send an email because we will be doing some big stuff cause it is a very great day on pday next week!
But to let you all know first I testify that God has given us our families for many reasons. I know that through families God answers our prayers. They are there to give us love and support and an ear to hear when we are down. A shoulder to
cry on - and arms for hugs and hands that bring us back up when we fall. I love my family more than my own life and for all they have done for me. I know that families are ordained of God and that your family loves you more than you can imagine. Even if you
don't see or feel it at times, they always and forever will love you!
We had zone conference this week and we were introduced to a new pattern on how to teach and also learn about gospel topics and how we can develop them. Here is the outline.
Questions that you or others have:
Promised blessings from it:
Invitations or thi gs to try.
Other Sources of information:
I ha e tried this everyday in my studies this week and it has been a real eye opener to learn the doctrine clearly with scriptures to answer my questions and the promises that come from on high. It was so cool to try it.
If any of you have questions about something in your life, give it a try and see what you learn.
I was also able to go on exchanges this week with elder Paulsin! Last time I was able to do that was back in Tai Wo! It was a super great time! We went out finding and within 40 seconds we met a great man and we invited him for a chapel tour
and taught a lesson! Then elder Thomas and I taught him the Restoration and it was super good. The exchange was so cool to be back with a good friend I lived with for more than half my mission hahaha. It was such a great day and it made me so happy! Super
fun time! I really loved it.
That pretty much does it for this week sorry for the short one but I will leave my witness that Christ lives and he really does comfort us in times of need!
Have a great week love you all!
Love ya!
Yours in Fellowship and Love,
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh
Stan Theman
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