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Monday, November 26, 2018

Week 66: ThanksGiving(GamYanJit), Puhn Choi, What do I need to do for Baptism?

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman鄧長老) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 66 

First off, GamYanJit Faailohk!!!! Ya i have no idea how to write that in Chinese hahaha. But that means Happy Thanksgiving!!! Hope you all had a super great holiday and ate so much food that you just hit the couch and feel right asleep! Man I am so excited to tell you all about this thanksgiving we had here in Hong Kong!

So in Hong Kong they don't celebrate thanksgiving. So we did the same as last year and got together as a zone and bought food to prepare for all of us to eat for a little 4 hour party. Elder Day and I were in charge of Mashed potatoes hahaha. Everyone was just like you know how to make it right? I was just like of course! Water and mash it then call it good...........they all were about to kill me hahahhaa. So we got the MILK in it and then we added some seasoning and it turned out super good. The ZL's made honey pineapple ham with turkey, some of the sisters made Apple pie, oreo pie, and cheesecake. The Manderin elders made a super good fruit punch. And so much more food! We had so much fun and I took so many pictures. Elder Van Leeuwen took my camera for a bit and took some snipe shots of people and he got a pic of me right before I smiled so when you see it, it will look like I am doing a death stare hahaha. We played some games and just had a fun time as a zone! Really wasn't that sad at all not being home. Probably sad for some of you to hear but it was very great out here and I loved it so much. The after math of it all was we went out and did finding in the streets so we had to lug around a feast in our belly's hahahaha. Such good times!

The other cool thing this week was we had a super good lesson with Stephen! Elder Day had to go on a split with our ward mission leader and I was with Bishop lam to teach Stephen. The lesson was one of the best ones yet!!!! We taught about Service and then I felt Prompted to move it into callings and how that helps the church grow and help Heavenly Father and Bishop took off and made the lesson so good and then it transitioned into a super good topic about missionary work. The coolest thing during the lesson was he kept asking,"What do I need to do to prepare for Baptism?!" It made my heart feel so good and during a moment when Bishop was teaching  I took a second to look at Stephen and something was different. I noticed a new light. From the first time I met him a while ago up till now there is a huge change in his countenance and it was truly amazing to behold.

After the lesson we went to a Elders Quorum activity and it was a traditional Chinese dish that they do around New Years with friends when they go out to eat. It is called Puhn Choi. There is no translation and it means Huge Serving Platter of Food!!! And it was literally that!!! They came out with a massive bowl of MEAT in a pot on top of a fire!!! It is meant for 15 people to eat and it was so much food!!! We tried so hard to eat as much as possible and it was so hard!! They were all just like get the elders to go and eat it all and since I have lost weight I was just like, Oh Crap my stomach has shrunk and I can't eat that much anymore, and Elder Day is really skinny so that was another thing. But Stephen ate a good amount and saved the day hahaha. 

We also went to Cross Roads this week and we were in charge of medical but it was just us moving a bunch of Wheel Chairs around and such. So not to much exciting there. We did talk to a guy named Paul who is from New Zealand and talked about the bible. He knows some super deep doctrine stuff and it is super fun to talk to him. We gave him an English book of Mormon and such and he said he had a couple and would read it again. So i will follow up next week with him.

Well all that pretty much does it for this week! thank you all again so much for keeping us Missionaries in your prayers!!! But also remember that you can also pray for yourselves each day to stand as a witness of our church and share what you know is true and help a friend have the joy that we feel and the knowledge that we have about the savior and this work in life! 
Keep marching on valiant soldiers of Zion!!! Bring the Knowledge to all the world and it will bring you so much Joy and I can testify that it is true! 
Have a super good week and stay happy and strong through all aspects of life!

Yours in Fellowship and Love,󾓭🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh
Stan Theman  

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Week 65: E.T!!!!, Zone Conference, Stephen is so close!!!!!!, snif snif.

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman鄧長老) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 65 

I will apologize now for in my video i call it chapter 64 but it is 65........sorry hahahaha. I also have put a lesson that was a role play in this email of the restoration. It was good for the first part then it got funny and then it got good again. Just watch it and you will see. I thought it would be nice for you guys to hear what a lesson sounds like in Cantonese!!!
This week was another hot one hahaha. We now got permission if it is to hot during the night when we can't sleep to use the AC even though AC season is off. So that could save us a little down the road. Not sure when it will get cold, but if it was like last year it should get cold around here late in December into January. So when that times comes time for sweaters and for scarfs!!!
I will not take up to much more of your time this morning, evening? what ever time it is or day for you lovely people!

Ok so this would take to long to type out if I had like an hour, but in the video i talk about our Pday this week and it was one of the funnest yet!! We planned on going bowling with the Hung SHui Kiu elders and then we got invited to go on a biking trip and so we were like ok. I was in Jeans and a Pink Polo shirt for this............ya this is where it gets intense hahaha. Basically there was so much laughs and my body was so soar!!!!! It was a total of 22 miles!!!!!! A Broken seat here, cramps there, and soar butts for days!!!!!! I haven't done that in a long time to ride a bike! I tip my hat to all of you who have biking missions!!!!! SO much Biking!!! I also had to wear a fun helmet cause we were out of them so I got to use a construction hat hahaha. You will see in the photos.

Zone Conference:
So Zone conference was this week and it was the best one on my mission yet!!! President Phillips gave a super good talk on the 5 saving ordinances and how we can draw the power from Christ when we keep them. Covenants are super big and we learned so much about how we can get so much power from them out here on a mission and later on in our lives. We also have new things coming and revelation about "White Christmas". This is so that every Companionship will get a baptism in December and we can do it!!!

We met with Stephen again this week and he hasn't bought a pack in 5 days!!!! He is doing so good and we are really so excited for him this December 9. Keep him in your prayers if you can. He wants to be baptized so bad and he is so close to braking his addiction! He told us that people here worship Buddha and Gunyam and he said, "But I don't, cause I want to follow Jesus!" Gets me right in the feels!

Snif Snif: 
Oh ya I also got sick this week but prayer and drugs really help you out hahahaha. So I am better now!

Love you all so much and I am looking forward to this week for Thanksgiving. Go around during that time and talk about how much you appreciate something. It could be anything, but also think about your family the most and the Gospel! 

Have a greeeaaaattt WEEEKKKK!!! Love ya!

Yours in Fellowship and Love,󾓭🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh
Stan Theman

Chapter 97 - Final Chapter: There and Back again.

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman 鄧長老 ) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 97 Season  Finale 你好 !!!   My Dear Friends, the t...