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Sunday, October 28, 2018

Week 62: Lookin Fresh!!, Cross Roads, Exchange with a Cousin! Moves Calls, President Owens.

你好 !!!  
HOly Molyyy! Another Week already!!! Jeez I can't Believe it! SO much happened this week wow! Hahaha. 

The weather is now starting to cool down a wee bit and that is super exciting! Except for suit season blegh. BUT, i have bought a new suit and you all wont recognize me with this one on! I have lost a good amount of weight hahaha. 

I am still doing my little video thing that I have started and I hope that you all like it. I am able to speak more cantonese to you all and you get to hear my voice and see my face. I like it a lot it feels nice and a lot of fun to do it! 

I am learning so much out here and I love increasing my testimony each and every day! My personal study is my favorite time of the day to really just quite down and to have a one on one with heavenly father and myself to feast on the scriptures and to learn from his Prophets of old and of new!

We all need to be hearing the Prophets of Old and new in order to survive in this world of trouble. I have learned that so much out here and from all the past General Authorities and Prophets talks. They are the same words as Christ in our day and he wants us to hear what he has to say! Please keep reading your scriptures and to do all you can to follow our Prophet!

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman鄧長老) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 62 

Well I am out of time every one!
I am giving a shout out to the coolest Marching Band in History for St George and my love to you all and Good Luck! I loved my band days it was so much fun! 

I know the church is true and that Christ is at the helm of HIS church and is doing what is best for us in our day! Love you all and have a great week!

I came in with my body at 185 with my new suit and body I am now 158lbs!!! man it feels so good hahahaha. Love it have a great week! 

Yours in Fellowship and Love,󾓭🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh
Stan Theman

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Week 61: Bring on the Heat!, My Hero, Charity in the Kitchen, BBQ!!!, Friends Update!

你好 !!!
Time has once again come and gone! I can't believe how fast it goes. Now this week was super fun with a lot of great and one sad thing. Also this coming Saturday is transfer calls once again and we will see what happens to me. I hear that President Phillips likes to move people around. I was in my baby area for almost a year so getting more around the mission would be pretty cool! 

I said in my video that this was week 62...ya that was wrong hahaha I am on 61

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman鄧長老) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter   

What made me smile this week?:
Well Ill tell ya! 

Suite Season hahaha Just kidding Blegh!!! ya we have to wear suites now when the weather is below 

This week we had a great lesson with Bishop Lam and Stephen! The spirit was so there and we cleared up somethings that helped his concern about Tea. There are some teas that are ok to drink out here like flower tea and also Herbal tea with some other ones I don't know how to say haha. But we also gave him a blessing to help him with his struggle and bishop was the one to do it. The spirit was there and the power could be felt!

The other thing that made me smile this week was working in the Kitchen at crossroads with a Nigerian woman named Charity! She was so funny and I got to cut up a lot of stuff!!! It was so much fun to learn how to cut up food and to use Giant Cleavers hahaha! The food was super good and I had a super fun time doing it!

The third thing was helping Elder Allen pack his stuff and cook for him! It was so much fun to talk and to wheel him around in an office chair and the put his foot on a suit case and wheel him around and he told me what to do and then we had some lunch and just talked. It was so great and he helped me out so much. I can never thank him enough for what he has done for me and taught me. He will be returning in December from Surgery from home and I hear it all went well so we are so excited for his return. I can tell you I am really excited for it! We had a little pizza party to say good bye and it was really sad and we sang God be with you till we meet again. The spirit enveloped us all and it was a very sacred experience!

Love you all and hope you have a great week! See you all again next time on Stan Theman saving Hong Kong 1 by 1!!

Yours in Fellowship and Love,󾓭🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh
Stan Theman  

Week 60: Holiness to The Lord, President Phillips, Reunited, Voice of my Servants it is the Same.


 Hey Every one how are you all doing this week! So I tried to upload a weekly video and some pictures while I was emailing President, but the computer I am on doesn't like to do that so I will just have to write really fast to what happened this week so you all can know what happened!
I got some questions so her is a quick Q and A for you all!!!
  1. We do cook inside. I am doing a diet of just Egg and boild Chicken for a while and so i cook inside and Elder day is also cooking as well. We do eat out some times and this week was conference so we did some tradition and ate out at a Tai food reasturant with our zone elders and I had some really good curry! I am really liking cooking inside and I also like to eat out so it is both ways. It is hard to read a menu though without a member hahaha!
  2. There are always six elders in our apartment. There are appartments across Hong Kong for multiple elders. But some times there is only one companion ship in an apartment like Elder Madsen and Van Leeuwen.
  3. My stomach is still crazy when I eat other food because of this diet I am on hahaha. I have a funny story about that later in the email.
  4. The weather was super cold for 2 days this week and I totaly forgot what cold feels like hahaha. But this week is going to shoot back up to super hot so that was short lived hahah. I heard you guys have snow! I miss snow so much.
Ok so short on time cause of computer issuses so here we go!

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman鄧長老) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 60

Holiness To the Lord:
So we had our temple day this week and it was super good! We had it at 9 in the morning so we had to get up really early to get there and then we took pictures as a district. and went in. I love the temple so much! It was hard going cause it made me miss home a lot when I went into the temple. It is true that home is where your heart is and that when we have the church close by and the savior in our hearts we are always home! 

President Interviews:
This week was also interviews with President Phillips and it is always amazing to hear from him and the things he tells us to do in order to become better missionaries and effective servants of the Lord! Sister Phillips also made some really good Oatmeal Rasin cookies! They were so good! But Shout out to the best Dessert making in the World! MOM!!! My mom is the best at making sweets! If you all don't know, go and give one a try! It will change your life! I can compare it to the Tree in Lehi's Vision of how amazing it tastes!!!

So this week I was also able to go on exchanges with my old MTC companion Elder Madsen!!! It was such a great excperience to see him once again and to catch up on old times! His appartment is super cool! They have a view of Main land China and there is a huge tower that at night shoots a giant laser around the area and i thought i was in Lord of the Rings with the all seeing eye! One does not simply walk into Main land! hahahah. We went out finding and it was super fun!!! We also got a super good hot dog!! It has been a while since I have had a hot dog. It was covered in Cheese and it was so huge! Now I have been on this diet for a while and we ate the hot dog at like 545. We had lesson at 6 and it was on the other side of the area! SO we had to kinda move quickly if you know what I mean!!! So I was hurting really bad hahahah! We got there and I told elder Madsen if I have to go to the bathroom during the Lesson I am just going to give you a death stare and then we got to bounce fast! But it didn't happen so that was great! But I got home and weighed my self and I was 169 lbs! Then I went to sleep and I woke up and my body just burned all the food and I was back down to 161 hahahah So Cool!!! I also almost fell off the bunk bed hahahah that was scary!! So good to have that exchange and it was so refreshing!

I am short on time now but my talks that I loved this week were Rasbands, Andersons, and Stevensons! They were so great and loved all what they said about enduring and sheep! That seems to be the main theme of this Conference was Sheep!!! hahahah I thought it was great!
Please read these talks over and over again just like we have been instructed to. Please also take what president Nelson said about adressing the church by its true name and we will see blessings that we have never seen before! I know he is a true prophet of God and he is here to help us out!!

have a great week and I will send you videos and stuff next week due to technical difficulties

Yours in Fellowship and Love,󾓭🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh
Stan Theman  

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Re: week 59: Trying something new here!

Hello every one how are you today! So I had an idea. I know have a phone and nice computers where I am able to take really good videos and then send them to you all. So I had this idea that on Sunday Night I would take a short 10-15 min video of me talking about the week and also in Cantonese. I think it is a fun way to try emailing. Instead of you guys reading my stories you can hear me talk about things! 

I did make the video last night so I will be doing another email attached to this one to answer questions that you all have sent me. 

If you like this method of email please let me know, if you don't I will go back to normal emailing methods. 

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman鄧長老) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 59

So here  is what happened this week and I may make longer videos depending if this one works or not. I have never tried this before but I think it would be really fun! The part where Elder Allen is talking about elder Day giving birth was on Pday when elder day got the ball and fell to the floor and then elder Allen came up behind him and tried to get it between his legs and it was so awkward and so funny!!! 

Also we play baseball with a less active named Eric and when we do that he comes to church. So we are ministering in so many different ways out here. We don't have a baseball diamond, but we use a soccer court to do it. He is really fun. It has been a while since I have hit a ball with a bat, but I have gotten a lot stronger and can crush it across the field!! So much fun. I miss baseball. I am still a little afraid of catching the ball though hahaha. Good Ol times!

I am working hard and doing my best out here. It is really a mental battle out here at times and it can get hard. But then again there are those days when things just turn out right, and that could be at the very end of the day when we are about to come home. 

Stephen is succeeding with WOW and is doing so well!!! He is getting so good at not smoking at work and said in one of our lessons he feels healthy and strong! I opened up to D&C and shared the blessings of Wow and he knows it is true and will keep going! He loves the blessings and is still a little hesitant on Commandments but it will just take time and the ward is helping him so much! He came to a family home evening last night and our first Councilor Brother Gung told him you have the power and you can quite smoking. And Stephen said "I do have the power I can do it!"

Johnny is also doing good. We taught the 10 commandments and before we taught it he had great feelings about baptism and everything, but when we talked about "no other gods before me" he froze. He waited and said, he will have to postpone baptism then because of my religion. Johnny is Buddhist and believes in bud ism. but he said that he will every day read the scriptures, pray and come to church! he loves meeting with us and will not stop. I have heard stories of investigators part of another sect and then there testimony grows and then they make the covenant when they are ready.

I love our friends and they are such great examples to me! We also haven't heard back from the Bleach guys we found last week, but it is all ok and it will all work out! It maybe wasn't even for the people we needed to find. maybe it was the fact that Heavenly Father was testing me to see if I was ready to receive revelation and then act on it to test my faith. 
Hope you all have a great spirit and uplifting week! I look forward to watching conference this weekend cause we need it translated but I got some spoilers and can't wait to see the full session. These changes are form our savior to guide HIS church here on the earth and he knows what to do to help us succeed!! 

Yours in Fellowship and Love,󾓭🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh
Stan Theman  

Monday, October 1, 2018

Week 58: Cross Roads, Friends, "Use the Bleach!?"...what!???

   Hello how are you all doing this week!? Love to hear from you all and to see how you are doing. This week was my first full week in Tin Shui Wai and it was so much fun! Lots of things happened and also had a really crazy revelation that I will get to later in the email. The weather is starting to change a bit with some days with wind and some that are also just hot so not much new with the weather. The Typhoon damage clean up is still under way and we went to a ward members house this week to clean up some tree damage but it was ok. There are so many trees that have been taken down in this area. They are mostly cleaned up but you can still see there is a lot of damage from the trees and the stumps that have been cute down to pieces. 

   The area here is very interesting. The majority of my area last I talked about was that it is a huge park. It is a really good spot every now and then for finding new people and again it is really small, and from what I have heard from Elder Day we mostly find people here that don't live in our area. But that wont stop us cause we are ready to go and serve the lord and to find the Elect. He is with us every step of the way and he isn't on the sidelines waiting watching us do the work, he is with us every step of the way and when he sees that we are giving it our all, he makes up the rest that we are not capable of doing!
I will get one with the good stuff now for all you beautiful people!!!
Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman鄧長老) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 58
Cross Roads:

There is a program in the New Territories called Cross Roads. It is a service company that works all across the world and they look for volunteers to come and help. So the missionaries started coming, not sure when they started, and it has been going ever since. There is a lot of work to be done in this place from kitchen work to Maintenance. The lady was telling us about the jobs and then she said Maintenance. I raised my hand and said, "what is that?" She said wood working...........YES!!!!! That is my bread and butter!!!! So we just went and they had me and elder Day brush off some wood and then put them in a bucket and help with some other things. There was an awesome meal for us after that was prepared by the staff and it is so weird to see Americans and all other nationalities. it was super fun and we go on Wednesdays to go and serve in this place. I will talk more about it when I am more used to it, but it is super fun to see all the missionaries there working and having a great time. The people love us when we come and it is so much fun!

 We have 2 people we are teaching are Johnny and Stephen. They are the closest to baptism and they are so solid! They both know that The Church is true, Joseph Smith was a Prophet and the Book of Mormon. We are going through the lessons with them now and they are reading and praying and doing what they are supposed to to have a great experience coming closer to Christ. This is the best part about missionary work that I have been waiting for. To finally get some people ready to go and learn all they can about the savior. There is just some things that we are working on with them that I can't talk to over email. But Your prayers for Stephen to help with Word of Wisdom would help us out a lot. He wants to quite and really wants to join the church. We are here ready to help him! I love doing this work!

    OK, so we are needing to find new people to teach for this month. Elder Day and I set a goal for October to get 27 new people in our pool. I was sitting in personal study one day and sat back in my chair and just prayed asking heavenly Father to let me know what I can do to find the people. I looked around the room and my eyes went to the bleach bottle in the corner of our house. I just brushed it off and looked more around the room for things to use out finding, and every time I went back to the bleach. I was just like, "Why on earth am I looking at bleach?" Again and Again i got the prompting, so I was just like fine! I got up and got the bleach and slammed it on my desk and stared at it for like 5 min! I prayed and said I got it now what do you want me to do. "Turn it around" I heard. so i did and saw on the back cleans and removes stains. I thought, and then the dots started connecting. So I said ok father I am getting it, what now, I opened my eyes and saw a germ count. But I saw it as a sin count. Then I got it. Use the Bleach to represent baptism. I prayed and said," Father I got your message and I will use this bottle of bleach out finding if you can stop the people". Once comp started elder Day asked whats with the bleach? I said I received some revelation, but first lets sing! 

After explaining, we got into the elevator and there was a guy in it. I said, "ok lets practice." So I asked how to say bleach in Chinese, and he helped us out. We walked and talked about how bleach is like baptism and after a while he was ok with our message. We asked if we could get his phone number and talk later......he gave us his number!!!! He walked away and I had a huge smile on my face and Elder Day was so confused!!! That gave us the energy to try even harder and to do it again and again. In 20 minutes we got 2 phone numbers using Bleach. 

The lord will give us ways to find and do his work in ways we can't even imagine! This is evidence of it! So blown away and still laughing now. 

Love the work and love the people!

Hope you all have a great day!
See you next time!
Yours in Fellowship and Love,󾓭🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh
Stan Theman 

Chapter 97 - Final Chapter: There and Back again.

Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman 鄧長老 ) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1! Chapter 97 Season  Finale 你好 !!!   My Dear Friends, the t...