Leih Hou muiyatgoyahn!!!!!
Well another week has come and gone and it is always so interesting how time goes out here. You really feel in a dream if that makes sense. You go through the same thing every day with some new things here and there and then you go to sleep wake up and Whamoo! You are already at Pday! The weather here is still raining with a chance of more rain and oh ya.....Humidity!!! You are just constantly wet out here and I was taking the MTR(Train) To the Chapel and when we got there to do out studies, cause there is AC, I rested my arm over my study journal for 3 seconds and then I lifted my arm and my book came with it! I peeled it off and it was all wet hahahaha! I was laughing so hard! I have to be careful that that doesn't happen to my scriptures! I would like to start today with some spiritual things.
I was reading an amazing talk this morning from President Hinckley back in 1995 called "Of missions, Temples, and Stewardship". I can talk forever about this talk but instead, I am going to invite you all to read it and or watch it and think about how it applies to us this day and to look back at the church in the past compared to know with all of our changes and hastening the work of the lord in these latter days! I love the part when he talks about missionaries and temples. He mentions in this talk the building of The temple in American fork and in Hong Kong so this talk was really special to me for that reason as well!
I was also in Ether this week as well and I still can't imagine the thought process that went throuh the brother of Jareds mind as he saw the finger of the Lord. Then after his Exceeding Faith he requested that the Lord show himself to him. And because of this faith the vail could not be kept. I love his story. The Book of Ether is really one of my favorites in the Book of Mormon! Every Chapter is meant to be in it because Mormon had so many records and thigns that could have gone into it, but he put what was most important and relevant for us to hear in this day and age.
I will get onto this week so that you all can get back to what you are doing today. What ever that intails I have no idea, but have fun with whatever you are doing.
Elder Connor R. Duersch(Stan Theman/鄧長考) Ministering to Hong Kong 1 by 1!
With all the Strength of a Great Typhoon!:
For those of you who caught that reference good job! ya there was no Typhoon this week hahahah it was that we as an activity watched Mulan in Cantonese and it was the coolest thing ever! I was having a really hard time understanding it but since I have seen it in English it helped. It is my second Favorite Disney Movie! First is Robin Hood! I would love to see that in Chinese! It is fun to have these experiences and to get to be with the ward! The movie went by really quick and it only felt like 10 minutes it was so fast. That will bea great way to keep up the language after the Mission. Also listening to Conference talks in my language to keep it up and to use it later in life.
Special Meeting:
So this week we also had a special meeting with President Evans. The Asia Area President and the was super cool! he talked a lot about how many s[pecial speakers we have had over the past while and talked about what they said. We talked a lot about he referrals and how they help us, but also when we do work with askiing referrals we also help the other areas with finding people and looking to help the children of God! Teach when you find and find when you teach. I love that quote.
Talent Show:
So the stake this weekend had a really cool talent show and there was so many cool and also bizzare things that went on. There was a cool diablo performance with the juggling thingies. you have two stick and rope and then the spinner it was so cool to see. Some of our ward members did some Chinese Opera and it was.......unique hahahah. So we also did a performance this show and I will send a video of it. It is just us as old people doing our thing and then we do some Fighting. I have been learning a bit out here hahaha. There was lots of food and then we also got an award!!! Wasn't expecting that! Super fun and lots of ward members came and people with interest in the church.
our stake president gave a talk after and it really brought the mood and it was super cool to hear him speak! He is an amaznig Stake Presient!
Well that is all I got for this week for new things in Tai Wo! I am still doing good and the work out here is indeed challenging but it is worth it now and to help me in the future to become a greater man, husband, father, and servant of the lord! I love you all and am so grateful for all my experiences out here and for your prayers.
have a great week and I am so gratefull to have you all in my life!
Stay Strong and Keep Smiling jsut like a wise old man once said!
Yours in Fellowship and Love,🐲🐼✌🍜
鄧 長 老
Elder Connor R.Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh
Stan Theman
ps my dad has the video of us in the talent show so he will put that in the blog for you all the watch!
Thanks DAD love ya!