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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Week 40: Cheung Hings, Elder Gong, Zone Conference, Ricky is almost there!

Lieh Hou Muiyatgoyahn!!!

Wow time really does fly by when you are doing the work of the Lord! This week went by so quick and I looked at the Calendar and it is almost June! Wow what happened with the time? It just shot right on by and it was so quick and full of so much spirit and fun! I love being out here every day and even though the times can be hard, they can also be soft and full of so much fun and love! I am so excited to tell you all the things for this week! So lets crack on shall we!

Cheung Hings: So this was what week we went to a cool suit place down in the Center of Hong Kong island and it was a little weird spot in a building and it was like walking into the wand shop in harry potter cause there was this table that was full of books and fabrics that you could have a suit made out of and custom fit to your body for only 1200 hong kong dollars! I didn't get one but elder Riley was in need of one and it was fun to see all the colors and styles! I will probably get one later on maybe around next year during suit season or before I leave home, but that isn't for a while so I have no need to worry now! I really like all the colors and every thing that is in that store!

Elder Gong: We had another blessing of the lord this week! We woke up at 5 in the morning to head down to Wan Chai to go and see and hear Elder Gong speak to us at 9 in the morning! We sang called to serve and Elder Gong walked in and it was the strongest thing every! He walked by a sister and shook her hand and then said "We would love to shake all your hands!" So he walked out and no one was following him. He came back in and said" We would like to shake all of your hands if that's ok?!" we felt so embarrassed and went out and shook his hand. I got to him and he was so funny and friendly to all of us! His wife gave a great talk on serving with all our heart might mind and strength and what each of those mean. I could tell you all the answers to the questions but where would the learning factor come into play! He asked President and Sister lam to come up with him and asked us if we loved them to put our hand up, then both hands, and then our feet! He is so funny and is so strong!  I had a cool experience the night before. I asked Heavenly father to help me feel the power that comes from an Apostle. He walked by me and The whole world seemed to go into slow mo and I was overwhelmed with the spirit letting me know that this is indeed a man called of god and that he can command the Elements if he so desired! I am so grateful for that answer to my prayer and to have that blessing!

Zone Conference: We had a really long zone conference this week as well with phone training and it really opened my eyes to what we will be able to do really soon in order to help our investigators and people we meet on the street. I am so excited to get all the cool things that come with phones and to help every one! We should be getting the little cards to call people soon in July and for now we just use the little nokias. Man the phones are so cool and watching all the videos are so good. I recommend you all to go and check out Gospel Media! It is the coolest thing every!

Ricky!!!: Ricky was able to come to church this week thanks to our ward members who live close by his house to give him a ride! He came to church in a Tie and he was so ready to learn! We had sacrament last because Tai Po ward was doing something so we had Priesthood first and the lesson involved Ricky to write stuff on the board and all the brethren love him! He loves telling people he is getting baptized and he is so excited for it! I love this man with all my heart and he is the nicest person in the world! He got me a little Fan to keep me cool cause it was about 35C in our apartment and also around 36 in the chapel! Echt so hot! We are having a movie night this week to watch a disney movie, probably Moana, and to get his wife and kids to come to meet the ward and to let them know we are nice people! Love this man and his choice to follow the savior!

Well that pretty much about does it for this week and I love you all! Stay strong and Keep smiling 
just as Papa Duersch always says!

Yours in Fellowship and Love,[?]🐲🐼✌🍜

鄧 長 老
Elder Duersch
Dahng Jeunglouh
Stan Theman

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